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Letter from the novice representative who is studying Pali Grammar
Letter from the novice representative who is studying Pali Grammar - Novice Sitthichai Dechkhamphoo.
A Man Who Violated His Daughter and Another Relative of the Same Blood Line
Why was my father a womanizer habitually and why did he commit adultery with the persons in his family? After he dies what kind of kammic retribution will he suffer from? If he was to come back to be reborn again how will he pay back his kammic retribution in the next life? In this life how can my father resolve this?
The Nature of the Mind
What we mean by the ‘mind’ in not the brain, but something more similar to the ‘spirit’ which exists inside our body. In this book we use the word ‘mind’ to mean this nuomenon.
Everyone’s goal of life can be classified into 3 levels : 1. Primary goal of life
The primary goal of life is aimed to manage an utilization of life for only this life. The goals of this level are for example:
A Person Who is wise:
Is grateful to those who have helped them in the past.
โครงการฟื้นฟูศีลธรรมโลก Change-the-World
โครงการฟื้นฟูศีลธรรมโลก จัดขึ้นเพื่อจะเปิดโอกาสให้เยาวชนทั่วประเทศได้เข้ามาฝึกฝนอบรมตัวเอง ผ่านคุณธรรมหลักๆ 3 อย่าง คือ วินัย เคารพ อดทน เด็กๆ ก็จะได้ทำกิจกรรมทุกวันเลย
Transcending all differences
Meditation is a universal act that everyone in this world can do. All can practise it regardless of nationality, religion, or ethnicity. All one needs is a human body.
Commentorial Metaphors: Indulgence in sensual pleasures:
A pig content to wallow in dung: Indulging in sensual pleasures is rather like a pig, which spends all its life wallowing in the warm mud and dung of its pigsty because it thinks that this is the ultimate happiness.
The kalyanamitra Temple
Within the Buddhist community, temples are recognized as a centre for moral training. Another way of viewing this is that temple is a place that teaches people to be ‘human’